Stacey M. Klemme Photography: February 2010


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Sunday, February 21, 2010

Make Up Deluxe by Julie Olson

I had the pleasure of working with Julie Olson a few weeks back, she hired me to take some head shots and detail shots for her website. I was very excited to do so! Julie did my make-up for my wedding, nearly 3 years ago now, she did a GREAT job!!! These photos were taken during a brief break from the rain at the Carneros Inn in Napa, CA. Thank you to Brooke Baglietto for allowing us the unique opportunity to utilize this exquisite backdrop!
Did you hear? The Easter bunny was seen around Rohnert Park, CA recently. I happened to catch this bunny in my living room!! LOL!

Easter bunny or not, XOXO Photography can bring this portable studio set-up to the comfort of your own home! Thats right! I know how much work it is to pack up children to get them somewhere. Well, I will come to you! Make an appointment today!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Bundle trys something besides babyfood.............

I would say by this photo that Bundle enjoyed her tofu and blueberries! What a riot, what she liked best was the HUGE mess she got to make! After this meal, she went directly in the bath.

This is the adorable Mr. Keaton! What is so special about this session is that all of the photos were shot on location at his grandparent's home in Petaluma! Such a cutie, but very serious! I think I may have gotten a few smiles :) He loved taking in all of the nature and animals surrounding the property. Glad the rain finally let up so that we could get these shots!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Sullivan Family

WOW!! This family was a LOT of fun, can you tell?? I love it when I have a fun family with kids that are total hams!!! It makes for great pictures. Capturing them just as they are! Candid pics are the best, I will do the posed pics also, but I am not one to pose the family perfectly. I just let them do their thing and snap away..............more pics to follow!