The Virgo in me is a MAJOR PLANNER!! I go into anxiety overload if I'm not completly prepared and ready for anything, especially photo sessions. I was not able to scout locations in Dublin prior to our shoot. So Amy and her hubby suggested a park near their home. I was game, and as a wise photographer by the name of Jasmine Star taught me at the workshop, a good photographer is not someone who just takes good photos in a perfectly beautiful location of their choosing, but one who can create good photos in a lousy location!! But, I didn't have to work overtime because when we jumped out of the car, I saw this:
Bright, beautiful MUSTARD :))
A gorgeous field.........
A fun tree-lined walkway............
Then a trip over to the swings..........practicing for the little guy on the way ;)
As drops of rain started to fall on us, we headed back to their home, which of course will be baby's first home!
I just love pregnant bellies!!! Thank you for looking!!
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